Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Crowding out

Ok I know I'm supposed to be posting more yummy treats. I'll get to that soon...
Crowding out those cravings! If you're the type who is craving sweets at night there are few things you can do to help. (That is, if you want to help it.)
1. Add more veggies to your daily diet! Add as many as you like and as many as you can. That way, at night, you won't have room in your body for junk
2. Drink water! Like I mentioned before, dehydration leads to cravings
3. Add sweet veggies to your diet, like cooked carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, etc. which can give your body the sweetness it needs in a healthy way
4. If you really need something sweet, grab some dates! They're super sweet and come with lots of health benefits!

When I get in a craving sweets kind of mood, I'll drnk down a big cup of water, have some carrots (I like crunchy things,) and wait a few minutes to see what happens. I find that when I'm bored, annoyed or frustrated I crave crunchy sweets more. And when I haven't had enough to drink during the day, I really crave something sweet. If I can't get my mind off  that  craving, I go for the dates!

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