Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Just wanted to share a little bit about coffee.
There's a lot of information out there about coffee. Some studies say it improves your memory and lessens your risk for alzheimers. Many people in the (holistic) nutritional field will agree that coffee isn't that great for you. Just to name a few reasons...
1. coffee is an acidic drink which can really irritate your digestive system, which is why it commonly makes people go to the bathroom!
2. Unfiltered coffees such as turkish, espresso, latte etc. can actually raise your cholesterol
3. Coffee is caffeinated! When we drink a caffeinated beverage first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, our brain goes into "emergency mode". The caffeine grabs the energy from our body that we don't even have first thing in the morning and it uses it up, raising our blood pressure, creating stress and sending us into a jittery mess. And then just as quickly as we get hyped up, we crash, feeling tired and lethargic, and for some people, they will start the whole process over again. So if you need to have your coffee, have it with a big lunch so at least it can act as a digestive aid and not just send your body into "move, emergency, high stress mode".
(P.S. Putting stress on the body from caffeinated coffee on an empty stomach, for example, creates stress hormones which get stored as... can you guess? Fat!! Just something to consider if you're trying to lose some weight!)


  1. Mishi! So thrilled that you're blogging. Great stuff here. We've seen some serious coffee side effects/addictions/withdrawals/depression... Glad you're sharing this important info. Looking forward to lots more.

  2. I used to have coffee in the morning on an empty stomach and can attest to the awful way I felt, not really knowing it was all from the caffine. I have over the last couple of years begun to have breakfast with coffee and it makes a world of difference...don't feel that edge as much as I used to.

  3. I have my coffee at 4 in the afternoon:) But when I get enough exercise I don't need it...

  4. I agree, that when I exercise I don't feel the need for coffee as often. Sometimes....I just succumb to it!

  5. I've noticed that when I get a really good night sleep, exercise regularly and stay well-hydrated, I don't feel the need for coffee as much. I tried not drinking coffee for 10 days, and the withdrawal gave me a severe headache. This showed what an addiction coffee really is.

    Mishi, doesn't craving coffee or anything else for that matter mean that the body is missing something? A nutrient, sleep, water, etc...?
