Friday, May 13, 2011


I want to put out some information on cravings. Everyone has some kind of craving at some point or another, and some have them consistently. This will be part one of a few posts on cravings.

There are so many different reasons why we have cravings. Perhaps you haven't had enough water to drink, or maybe too many salty snacks. Maybe your late night craving for chocolate is because your body is lacking in magnesium, or maybe its just because you're plain old bored!
The first thing to think about when "deconstructing" cravings is WHY am I craving this"?
Think back into your day to see if you had enough water to drink. Dehydration leads to cravings. Also think about your vegetable intake. The more you have during the day, the less you'll crave other foods at night. (That's called crowding out. We'll get that next time.)
These are just some small examples to get you thinking and help you get a start on identifying where and why your cravings are coming from. I'll give some more details and suggestions at the next post!

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