Sunday, June 5, 2011


Good morning!
Here is a helpful tip to track your hunger and cravings and to see if you're eating the right foods for you!
Grab a journal and write down everything you eat, drink and snack on. Then journal how you feel right after you eat and then again two hours later. Really take note of how you feel, be detailed and specific. Are you feeling energetic, full and have good focus/concentration? Or are you slow, tired and seemingly hungry? If the later is true, you might want to switch some foods and snacks for things with higher quality fats and less carbs and sugar. This will definitely give you more sustainable, long term energy and brain power! Don't be scared of fats. It's the carby, fat free, sugar free products you should really be fearful of! (More on this topic later.) Also, be sure you are drinking plenty of water. 
Try this out for a week and let me know how it works for you!
Happy Sunday everyone!

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