Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!

We hear so much about exercise. Exercise everyday for half an hour, exercise three times a week for an hour, get your heart rate up, strengthen your core, create long, lean muscles...the list goes on and on. And the truth is, all of these tips and suggestions are true!
No matter where we are in life, and what our busy schedules hold for us, exercise should definitely be one of the most important things on our list.
Now lets get specific. Although exercise is crucial, it does not mean that we all need to do an hour of it a day! For some of us, a half hour brisk walk a few times a week is enough. Some of us can't leave the house and have to find just the right activity during the 45 minutes that our kids are napping. Some people need to get in a good, one hour jog a few times a week. And there are others who just can't seem to find any time at all!

Whatever category you fit into, go ahead and do it! Find the time, even if it's just 5 minutes a day to do some jumping jacks in your living room, its a great start!

Besides for exercise being vital and crucial, getting your blood moving and your heart pumping can do more for boosting your energy and lifting your spirits then anything else out there.

If you are already advanced in your exercise and have a regular routine, make sure you switch it up every few days. For example, a strong, grounded person who does a lot of jogging will really benefit from taking a day or two of some light stretches or yoga. This is really beneficial for weight loss and its really important for your body, to allow your overworked muscles a rest, and to get some new ones worked up!
If you are a lighter, more yin body type and do lots of yoga, try doing some aerobics or take a jog!

More on exercise later. Hope you have a very active day!

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