Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Super nutritious bone broth

Good afternoon!
I wanted to give you some simple bone broth recipes and to tell you how incredibly nutritious and mineral rich a bone broth can be.

Making bone broth is basically taking beef or chicken bones, chicken carcass, or fish bones and simmering them for a minimum of 24 hours. Here's the recipe I use and here's how you do it...

Take 3-4 pounds of marrow bones
3-4 pounds of knuckle
some beefy bones
any chicken bones you have saved from previous meals (sounds weird I know, but saving bones from chicken dinners can add a lot to a broth!)
A whole unpeeled onion or two
Some rosemary sprigs
Note: when making bone broth it is really important to use bones from pasture raised, grass fed animals because the cooking process suck all the nutrients out of the bones, and you only want pure and clean broth.

Place the bones in a croc pot or large pot of good quality, like Le Creuset, or other similar companies.
Pour three table spoons of (unfiltered if possible) apple cider vinegar over the bones and press them down into the pot. Fill the pot with enough filtered water to just cover the bones and let it sit at room temperature for about 30-60 minutes.

Add whichever vegetables and spices you like, turn the croc pot to low and let it cook for a minimum of 24 hours. After your batch is finished it should be rich and thick and smell divine. You can pour your broth into storage jars, leave the bones in the pot and start all over again to make a second batch of rich bone broth.
If you are using a stove top pot, make sure that the broth never reaches a boil. It should always stay at just barely a simmer. If you notice the bones are sticking out of the water, add a little more until they are covered.

The benefits of adding bone broth to your diet are numerous and abundant. It has been used for centuries to cure all types of ailments like arthritis, digestive disorders, infectious diseases, mental illness and tooth decay. Because it is rich and gelatinous, it helps restore collagen in the skin and bones, and cartilage and helps keep bones and teeth strong.
The largest store of minerals in bone broth is calcium phosphate which is a combination of calcium and phosphorous, which are both essential minerals for bones and teeth. No wonder broth has been used over and over for people suffering from tooth decay. The calcium extracted from the bones into the broth is easily absorbed and available for use by the body.
Broth also contains four of the most essential amino acids, which helps keep our gut healthy, improves digestion and immunity, they keep our blood and fat healthy, they help us detoxify, and guess what, they help with "anit-aging".

Now lets talk about the marrow. Marrow is the creamy "filling" of the bones. It is highly nutritious and helps support brain growth and development. There are also small amounts of iron in the marrow which can help greatly in providing us with energy, especially those of use who tend to feel depleted from pregnancies and nursing babies. For these women, bone broth is a great solution for restoring and replenishing those lost, vital nutrients.

So yes, this really is a miracle food, and it has a great taste as well. You can eat the broth straight up, or you can filter out the veggies first, strain the fat, or even take small amounts and add it to your soups or dressings.
However you consume it, it's super nutritious.
If you want to know more, please email me and I can fill you in!
Happy brothing.

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