Monday, July 31, 2017

The power within

Its just too common. I hear it everywhere. We all fall for it at times. Its hard not to give in to the thoughts, the pressure, and the push we give ourselves to fit perfectly into the mold our society has deemed "normal".
But what if we didn't. What if we didn't care so much, didn't push ourselves so much to be like our sisters, friends, neighbors? What if we stopped, breathed, looked deeply into ourselves and decided just to be ourselves? Picture how much inspiration, color and energy there would be all around us if we were just.... ourselves. Imagine how free we would feel without the constant pressure to fit in.
You and I were created so wisely, with so much talent and creativity, so much potential to inspire, to change and to grow. Do we even know what our talents are? Has anyone looked at themselves lately and said "I love the fact that I have 6 month old baby and I still haven't gone back to work", or "I still have that baby weight even though my sisters lost it all so quickly", or "I don't need to get my baby on that rigid schedule like my friend does because I do what works for me!"  or "I don't need to start my own business in order to be successful!"?
Women, its time! The world is waiting. All we need to do is just to be. Be yourself. Breathe yourself, look into yourself, get to know yourself and most importantly, accept yourself for your strengths and for your limitations. You are a unique you and you don't need to be like anyone else. Follow your intuition, its a powerful tool we have been given by GD in order to help guide the steps and paths of those around us and of course, to help us lead our own journeys. The power is within us, each and every day, with every choice we make, every thought we think, every time we hold ourselves back and every time we break free.
 You know yourself best. Its time to let it shine...

Work for the day or week or month or year, or for the lifetime:
How do I compare myself to others? How would I like to fit in more? Is this a realistic desire for this time in my life? What do I enjoy doing and what am I good at? How can I focus more on the things that make me feel good, instead of focusing on being more like others?

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