Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feeling down? The food Mood Connection!

I'm a big believer that our moods and behaviors are directly connected to what we eat, or don't eat!
It is so common now a days for people to feel depressed, lack confidence, be overly shy, worried, negative, irritated, angry, etc...While there could be many contributing factors to these "moods", food plays a big role. Because of diets, consuming so much processed food and foods depleted in vitamins and minerals, our levels of natural mood balancing neurotransmitters are very low! Some say we are in a bad mood epidemic.
In our brain we have neurotransmitters that control our moods and behavior. I will just briefly mention each of them and if you have any further questions, or want to know more, I can point you in the right direction...
Serotonin- A natural antidepressant. Without enough serotonin you can be left feeling very negative, under a dark cloud, anxious, worried, restless, and much more!
Cathecholemines, noradrenalin, dopamine, adrenaline - Natural stimulants. Without these, you can feel "blah", unmotivated, flat and bored. You might need a good dose of caffeine to get you going.
GABA- A natural tranquilizer. Without GABA, you can be left feeling stressed, pressured, unable to relax. You can be easily frustrated and upset. Your symptoms worsen when you skip meals.
Endorphins- Natural pain killers. Low endorphins can make us feel very sensitive, cry easily, avoid dealing with painful issues, etc.

Another major factor that can cause mood issues is a lack of essential omega fatty acids, which are critical for proper brain function! Low levels of omega 3's have been shown to cause ADD, ADHD, depression, Bi-polar, etc. Don't be scared of foods high in good saturated fats. we need them. Most people need to take omega 3 supplements to get as much as they need in their diets.

Vitamin B-12 which is very difficult to get from your diet also contributes to bad moods if you are't getting enough. Supplements are highly recommended.

Furthermore, eating a diet high in processed, white foods such as pasta, potatoes, cakes, etc. and not eating often enough can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) which plays another factor in mood disorders like the ones mentioned above.

I find all this information to be so fascinating! It's all a matter of how you look at things. Depression  is a symptom, it is not the disease. It's not a prozac deficiency, its a nutrient, vitamin, mineral deficiency. Let's look more deeply into our diets and moods and see what connections you can make. I would love to hear feedback!
Have a great day to all

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