Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Can't lose the weight?

So many of us struggle with weight loss. We try so many diets, change our eating habits, go on rigid exercise programs, and still find that the weight won't come off. So why is that? Because there's a lot more to weight loss than dieting and exercise. Here are a few things that might be getting in your way.
1. Food sensitivities. If you are eating something your body is sensitive to, it can cause cravings, inflammation and water retention. All of which can prevent weight loss.
2. Stress and exhaustion. Being woken up even once a night can cause an increase in hormones that make your appetite larger and a decrease in hormones that tell your body when it is full.
3. Thyroid is out of whack. This can happen for a number of reasons like too much exercise, not eating enough calories, stress, etc. If your thyroid is not functioning properly, it is almost impossible to lose weight.

Solutions? If you fit into any of these categories,  try an elimination diet to see if you can find your food sensitivities. Do something that relaxes you to alleviate stress and get a better nights sleep. And get your thyroid checked! And even if your levels are within "normal" range, but on the low side, you should still take this into consideration. A diet change (whole grains, sea vegetables, high quality, organic animal proteins...) can drastically help thyroid function.

Also, please feel free to share your experiences with any of the above!
Have a great day!

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