Friday, November 30, 2012

Top ten foods to give your kids when they refuse to eat.

Hey Everyone,
I have put together a list of the top ten foods to feed your kids when they refuse to eat dinner. A lot of times our kids come home from school, tired, hungry and cranky. And they often don't want to eat dinner either. This can be really stressful for a mom who just wants to see her kids EAT!

So here are some ideas that will fill your little ones up, and provide them with many vitamins, minerals and energy they need! Keep in mind, you can always add in nuts, raw honey, coconut oil, etc. to any of these foods for enhanced flavor and extra fat and calories (You can buy coconut oil and honey in almost any health food store, and although they sound a little "out there", once you try them you'll see they are a normal and easy addition to your meals and snacks.) You don't have to stress anymore, feeding your kids will be easier than ever...

1. Carrot and almonds-
Carrots are full of calcium, vitamin C and A and fiber! They also have carotenoids which help protect our eyes, and are fat soluble vitamins so when eaten with fat (almonds), they absorb more efficiently and easily into the blood stream. Almonds are high in monounsaturated fat, calories and are a highly satiating food. Just what a little tummy needs before bed.

2. Oatmeal (made from whole oats, try to avoid packages) with berries-
Oats contains a powerful component which lowers cholesterol levels, enhances the immune system and helps stabilize blood sugar. Oats have powerful anti-oxidants, fiber and protein. There are 8 1/2 grams of protein for 2/3 a cup.
Blueberries are considered to be brain food because their anti oxidants and anti inflammatory properties boost brain function and helps keep your memory clear. Also, blueberries can help fight off all kinds of diseases.
The same goes for raspberries which are extremely high in fiber and are a good source of vitamin k, among many others. Strawberries also have many disease fighting properties.

3.Apple and peanut butter-
Apples have very strong anti oxidant power and many disease fighting properties. They have free compounds which means their minerals aren't bound to anything so they are free to easily absorb into your bloodstream.  They are full of fiber, and a rich source of nutrients.
Peanut butter of course is a good source of healthy fat and protein. And peanuts also have many anti oxidants.

4. Avocado-
A good source of monounsaturated fat, lots of calories and low on sugar. Avocados provide a lot of energy for our bodies. Monounsaturated fat lowers bad cholesterol and raises the good cholesterol. It is also very good for your heart. Avocados also contain lutein which protects our eyes and skin. Its also high in fiber and potassium. Its an all around win win food!

5. Kiwi and pineapple fruit salad (perhaps with some nuts on the side)-
Kiwis are loaded with potassium and have twice the amount of vitamin C as a orange. Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain which aids digestion, reduces inflammation (which many of us suffer from), and speeds wound healing. It is also a great source of the mineral manganese, which builds strong bones and healthy skin. Its also high in vitamin C.

6.Walnuts and dates-
Walnuts are super high in omega 3's which help boost our moods, support brain function and can lessen behavioral problems! They are nutrient dense and help alleviate hunger. They've also got protein in them. So much substance in such a small nut!
Dates are great for that sweet tooth and they also contain fiber, calcium, magnesium and a good amount of calories. (Yes, they are full of sugar, but its from a healthy source so it should not be a problem for the average child who is not obese, or suffering from blood sugar problems.)

7. Hard boiled eggs-
Eggs are one of the best sources of protein out there. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals that help protect your brain and heart. The choline in yolks helps prevent cholesterol build up. They are high in fat which means energy! They are best at retaining most of their nutrients when poached or boiled, but eaten anyway you like is perfectly fine too.

8. Fruit smoothie-
Add in any fresh or frozen fruit you like. Use coconut water as the liquid and try not to add in any sugar. Fruits are sweet enough. You can also sneak in a handful of greens like spinach, and maybe some coconut oil or crushed almonds if your kids don't mind the taste. Smoothies are a great way to get in all kinds of nutrients without anyone ever knowing!

9. Sweet potatoes-
Not only are sweet potatoes super sweet and delicious, they are also high in fiber and potassium and contain many disease fighting properties. They are also full of anti oxidants and anti inflammatories. They're great boiled, or sliced and baked with some olive oil sprinkled on top. You can even try cinnamon for a sweeter flavor.

10. Bananas-
Everyone knows bananas are high in potassium and fiber. But there is a little known fact about bananas too. Bananas contain something called FOS (abbreviated for a word too long to spell), which act as food for the good bacteria in our gut, like pro-biotics. These bacteria need food to grow and the number one source of this food in fruits is from the banana. Now how awesome is that?!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

No time to exercise? Think again!

That word can mean very different things to different people. For me, exercise means mental and physical energy, it means time to myself and peace and quiet. We all need it, we all crave it, and most of us don't think we have the time, patience or energy for it. And some of us don't even know where or how to start with everything else  we have  going on in our busy lives.
Well my friend, you're in luck, because exercise can be done anytime, anywhere, with or without physical objects, dvd's, sneakers or weights.
I'll give you some examples. One night, feeling a little cooped up, I got into my workout clothes, ready for some hard core cardio. But my baby was fussy. She was so squirmy and wouldn't stop crying. On a normal day, I  exercise when she is napping. Tonight, I realized I couldn't do my regular routine and would have to make due with what I had. Sneakers, a ten pound crying baby and a nice long patch of grass outside my house. That night I did dozens of lunges and squats until my baby fell soundly asleep. It got my heart rate up, my blood pumping, raised my serotonin levels and gave me some very sore legs and bum.

On a nice sunny morning, while my kids were out with their Abba I figured I would go for a nice long power walk. My baby fell asleep. While that is a very good thing, I really wanted to get outdoors while I had the chance. Again, I realized I would have to be more flexible. I ran down to the basement, brought the air conditioners up to the top floor, installed them in the windows, screwed in some window shades, put together a toddler bed and still got to get a walk in before my kids came home. If you use your muscles correctly, even doing regular household chores can be great exercise. Every time I went back upstairs I would skip steps. While drilling in the window shades I used my core muscles to stabilize myself while I balanced my body, holding a heavy drill above my head. Carrying the AC up and into the window gave my arms a good work out and the walk calmed me down and energized me. And all this still raised my heart rate and got me good and sweaty.

 Even you don't have time to pop in a dvd, or spread yourself out on the floor for some yoga, be mindful of your body and muscles while you are doing your chores, and find your own ways to strengthen them. Your brain and body will really thank you!

So what does exercise mean for you?!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hi everyone,
I just thought I would share some recipes with you...

Quinoa with maitake mushroom sauce
      Lightly saute maitake mushrooms with some extra virgin olive oil, fresh garlic and tomatoes. You can use Eden Organics crushed tomatoes too. Boil up some quinoa or any grain of choice and mix together. This was a big hit last shabbos in my house...

 Crispy quinoa cookies:
     Mix 1 C of honey or maple syrup, half C oil (olive, grapeseed, sunflower...) 1/2 C of peanut butter (the one without extra sugar and salt) and a bit of vanilla until creamy.
Mix 1 C whole spelt flour, 3/4 C quinoa flakes, 1 Ts baking soda and 1/2 C nuts. Add the mixture to the honey mixture and blend well. Drop my teaspoonfulls and bake 12-15 minutes at 350.

Last night I made great chocolate brownies with pumpkin puree, organic baking cacao and without eggs. I can't seem to find the recipe but when I do I will post!  

Happy Friday and happy cooking...Let me know if anyone tries any of these recipes!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feeling down? The food Mood Connection!

I'm a big believer that our moods and behaviors are directly connected to what we eat, or don't eat!
It is so common now a days for people to feel depressed, lack confidence, be overly shy, worried, negative, irritated, angry, etc...While there could be many contributing factors to these "moods", food plays a big role. Because of diets, consuming so much processed food and foods depleted in vitamins and minerals, our levels of natural mood balancing neurotransmitters are very low! Some say we are in a bad mood epidemic.
In our brain we have neurotransmitters that control our moods and behavior. I will just briefly mention each of them and if you have any further questions, or want to know more, I can point you in the right direction...
Serotonin- A natural antidepressant. Without enough serotonin you can be left feeling very negative, under a dark cloud, anxious, worried, restless, and much more!
Cathecholemines, noradrenalin, dopamine, adrenaline - Natural stimulants. Without these, you can feel "blah", unmotivated, flat and bored. You might need a good dose of caffeine to get you going.
GABA- A natural tranquilizer. Without GABA, you can be left feeling stressed, pressured, unable to relax. You can be easily frustrated and upset. Your symptoms worsen when you skip meals.
Endorphins- Natural pain killers. Low endorphins can make us feel very sensitive, cry easily, avoid dealing with painful issues, etc.

Another major factor that can cause mood issues is a lack of essential omega fatty acids, which are critical for proper brain function! Low levels of omega 3's have been shown to cause ADD, ADHD, depression, Bi-polar, etc. Don't be scared of foods high in good saturated fats. we need them. Most people need to take omega 3 supplements to get as much as they need in their diets.

Vitamin B-12 which is very difficult to get from your diet also contributes to bad moods if you are't getting enough. Supplements are highly recommended.

Furthermore, eating a diet high in processed, white foods such as pasta, potatoes, cakes, etc. and not eating often enough can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) which plays another factor in mood disorders like the ones mentioned above.

I find all this information to be so fascinating! It's all a matter of how you look at things. Depression  is a symptom, it is not the disease. It's not a prozac deficiency, its a nutrient, vitamin, mineral deficiency. Let's look more deeply into our diets and moods and see what connections you can make. I would love to hear feedback!
Have a great day to all

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Can't lose the weight?

So many of us struggle with weight loss. We try so many diets, change our eating habits, go on rigid exercise programs, and still find that the weight won't come off. So why is that? Because there's a lot more to weight loss than dieting and exercise. Here are a few things that might be getting in your way.
1. Food sensitivities. If you are eating something your body is sensitive to, it can cause cravings, inflammation and water retention. All of which can prevent weight loss.
2. Stress and exhaustion. Being woken up even once a night can cause an increase in hormones that make your appetite larger and a decrease in hormones that tell your body when it is full.
3. Thyroid is out of whack. This can happen for a number of reasons like too much exercise, not eating enough calories, stress, etc. If your thyroid is not functioning properly, it is almost impossible to lose weight.

Solutions? If you fit into any of these categories,  try an elimination diet to see if you can find your food sensitivities. Do something that relaxes you to alleviate stress and get a better nights sleep. And get your thyroid checked! And even if your levels are within "normal" range, but on the low side, you should still take this into consideration. A diet change (whole grains, sea vegetables, high quality, organic animal proteins...) can drastically help thyroid function.

Also, please feel free to share your experiences with any of the above!
Have a great day!