Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trust your body

Hi everyone,
Just thought I would share a late night tid bit. After a shabbos full of guests, mess, clean up, kids indoors because of random October snow storm, I have had some quiet time to reflect.
My father is in town for shabbos and with his visits always comes trips to the bakery with my kids and lots of sprinkle cookies and muffins around the house. A very big treat for the kids. I was tempted by one of the muffins and I let my self indulge a little by having most of it, along with a few bites of a sprinkle cookie. My body and brain are not used to the heavily saturated, margarined, sugared, white floured foods. Within a short time, I felt myslef losing patience with my kids and the ability to concentrate and think things through clearly. My brain was in a fog! I knew it was the pastries and I was frustrated that I had consumed enough of them to make me feel the way I was feeling. I knew I needed to eat or drink something asap to clear out my system. Something in my stomach was asking for some hot lemon water, and I added green tea to it for some extra cleansing power. It really calmed me down, enabled me to concentrate and speak and think clearly. The effects of white flour, preservatives and sugar effect everyone negatively, some more than others as you can see from my story. Not everyone has such noticeable, quick side effects. But everyone is effected. You can try and experiment. Go off white flour and sugar for a week, and then see how you feel after trying it again.Once you do this, you will be able to clearly see how foods effect your mind and body.  Maybe you're always in a brain fog and never know why. Maybe you have little patience and would like take one small step in changing that.
Also, our bodies know what they need to counteract the unhealthy foods we put into them. They send us lots of signals like cravings to let us know when things are amiss. So take some time to listen to your body, it really might be telling you something!


  1. too much sugar gives me such a headache. i wish it was so easy to just not eat sugar and wheat!

  2. Ya it really isn't easy at all! Sugar is very addictive, and so is wheat. And even though they're both not good for us, the more we have, the more our bodies want. That's why its so important and helpful to break the cycle, even for a week, to take notice of how it effects us. It takes so much will power and determination, even when you're off of it already, you still always have those random cravings or desires for a bakery sprinkle cookie, or something else! For me, when I'm pregnant, I really want pastries and chocolatey drinks. Its so hard to keep my mind focused and my body full of good food to beat the cravings! Also, remember that its ok to give in once in a while, as long as it won't send you into a repeat sugar addiction. Again, you have to know what your body can handle. Mine can't really handle much of it at all.
