Thursday, October 6, 2011

Eating the RIGHT foods before a fast!

I'm sure by now everyone is planning their menus for the fast tomorrow night. I just wanted to give some tips on what foods to eat for the fast to keep you full, energetic and clear headed for as long as possible!
Most people would presume that eating a lot of carbohydrates before a fast will be sure to fill you up. As I have mentioned before, filling up from carbs is only a short turn filling up. If you eat too many of the wrong starches, you'll be full quickly, but that energy and sense of feeling full will quickly diminish. So, what to eat?
For starters, think fiber! Anything high in fiber (I don't mean fiber one cereal) will fill you up PROPERLY and also give you energy and brain power.
Next, think healthy fats (salmon, sardines, avocados, coconut oil....) Again, this will be sure to give your body sustained energy and support your brain in thinking clearly.
We'll all be having honey cake of course, so try to use whole grains, healthier oils like coconut or grapeseed, pure unprocessed honey and don't add extra sugar if possible when baking. Stay away from other sugary foods, as well as sugar substitutes. These foods dehydrate your body and leave you with cravings for more sugar. Not exactly what you want to be feeling on yom kippur!
Have lots of fresh fruit and of course, drink ONLY water at your meal, or pure fresh coconut water if you have access to it. Any other beverage will fill you up with unnecessary sugars and other ingredients that will only contribute to more cravings and hunger.
Here are some of the foods I'll be serving for our pre yom kippur feast:
1. Roasted squash/sweet potato soup- good sources of fiber, minerals and nutrients and potassium which is good to have in your system if you aren't going to be drinking for a while.
2. Lentil/brown rice dish- excellent source of protein, fiber and whole grains. A well rounded meal!
3. Basic chicken with some cooked vegetables
4. Salad with spinach and romaine lettuce with assortment of vegetables, especially avocados- excellent source of healthy fat
5. Lekach (honey cake)
6. Fresh fruit which includes mainly raspberries and other berries- these super fruits are famous for their outstanding fiber content and anti-oxidant power! Remember, fiber fills you up!
Eating properly before a fast can really make a difference in your moods and over all energy.
I hope this helps and wish everyone a gmar chasima tovah and an easy fast!
Please let me know if you have tried any of these ideas and what the outcome was!

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