Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Super nutritious bone broth

Good afternoon!
I wanted to give you some simple bone broth recipes and to tell you how incredibly nutritious and mineral rich a bone broth can be.

Making bone broth is basically taking beef or chicken bones, chicken carcass, or fish bones and simmering them for a minimum of 24 hours. Here's the recipe I use and here's how you do it...

Take 3-4 pounds of marrow bones
3-4 pounds of knuckle
some beefy bones
any chicken bones you have saved from previous meals (sounds weird I know, but saving bones from chicken dinners can add a lot to a broth!)
A whole unpeeled onion or two
Some rosemary sprigs
Note: when making bone broth it is really important to use bones from pasture raised, grass fed animals because the cooking process suck all the nutrients out of the bones, and you only want pure and clean broth.

Place the bones in a croc pot or large pot of good quality, like Le Creuset, or other similar companies.
Pour three table spoons of (unfiltered if possible) apple cider vinegar over the bones and press them down into the pot. Fill the pot with enough filtered water to just cover the bones and let it sit at room temperature for about 30-60 minutes.

Add whichever vegetables and spices you like, turn the croc pot to low and let it cook for a minimum of 24 hours. After your batch is finished it should be rich and thick and smell divine. You can pour your broth into storage jars, leave the bones in the pot and start all over again to make a second batch of rich bone broth.
If you are using a stove top pot, make sure that the broth never reaches a boil. It should always stay at just barely a simmer. If you notice the bones are sticking out of the water, add a little more until they are covered.

The benefits of adding bone broth to your diet are numerous and abundant. It has been used for centuries to cure all types of ailments like arthritis, digestive disorders, infectious diseases, mental illness and tooth decay. Because it is rich and gelatinous, it helps restore collagen in the skin and bones, and cartilage and helps keep bones and teeth strong.
The largest store of minerals in bone broth is calcium phosphate which is a combination of calcium and phosphorous, which are both essential minerals for bones and teeth. No wonder broth has been used over and over for people suffering from tooth decay. The calcium extracted from the bones into the broth is easily absorbed and available for use by the body.
Broth also contains four of the most essential amino acids, which helps keep our gut healthy, improves digestion and immunity, they keep our blood and fat healthy, they help us detoxify, and guess what, they help with "anit-aging".

Now lets talk about the marrow. Marrow is the creamy "filling" of the bones. It is highly nutritious and helps support brain growth and development. There are also small amounts of iron in the marrow which can help greatly in providing us with energy, especially those of use who tend to feel depleted from pregnancies and nursing babies. For these women, bone broth is a great solution for restoring and replenishing those lost, vital nutrients.

So yes, this really is a miracle food, and it has a great taste as well. You can eat the broth straight up, or you can filter out the veggies first, strain the fat, or even take small amounts and add it to your soups or dressings.
However you consume it, it's super nutritious.
If you want to know more, please email me and I can fill you in!
Happy brothing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Blackstrap molassas anyone?

Hey there Dear Readers,
Have any of you ever tried blackstrap molasses, or even heard of it? I was chatting with my friend today and she asked me about it. I had completely forgotten that I had this treasure of a food sitting in my fridge. I hadn't used it in a while because the last time I tried to, my kid's didn't seem to like it all that much, and I sadly forgot about it.
Well, as soon as  I got home after talking with my friend I grabbed that little bottle out and mixed some into my mid morning peanut butter and apples snack.
Blackstrap molasses is made from sugar cane. The sugar cane is crushed and boiled three times until a very thick, dark syrup is formed. So why am I telling you all of this?  Because blackstrap molasses is a nutritional powerhouse! Since molasses comes from sugar cane, which grows very deep into the soil, it absorbs and contains a broad range many nutrients which are usually lacking in top soil.  It's a great source of iron, calcium and magnesium. The great thing about this mineral combination is that the body needs magnesium (and other vitamins and minerals) in order to properly absorb calcium! Blackstrap molasses also has vitamin B6 (and some other B vitamins), which is a "brain" vitamin: it helps calm the brain and maintain the nervous system. Then there is also selenium which is a trace mineral and an anti-oxidant, manganese, copper and potassium, all essential minerals. Blackstrap molasses has a very robust, bittersweet flavor. It has the lowest amount of sugar than other sweeteners and it's the most nutritious.
Because of it's high nutritional content, blackstrap molasses is considered to be a health food and has many health benefits that go along with it's use. To find out more, you can always email me or post your question on my facebook page: The Natural Path: Nourishing through food, art and soul.
Its best to buy unsulfured blackstrap molassas from organic sugar, if possible. I buy mine from wholesome sweeteners.
Try some drizzled on your muffin, in your oatmeal, mix some into your peanut butter or smoothie, or even stir it up in a good stir fry! I will be trying again tonight with my kids, and this time I will explain to them it's amazing health benefits and I am almost sure they will each try some, Gd willing.
I'll let you all know how it goes, iyh.
Have a happy, sweet day.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Our Letters

I Wanted to share something beautiful that I have been learning about lately: The Alef Bet.
The Hebrew letters of the Aleph Bet are powerful, energetic forms that G-d uses to create the world each and every moment. Every letter has its own deep meaning and energy that gives us personal strength, direction and guidance. My letter is Mem. Understanding the Mem has given me much inspiration and guidance through the ups and downs of life. To gain some understanding of your life and yourself, look into your letter and try to use a creative outlet to express your letter's powers. At home, we like to paint, a lot. Here is some of our "letter" art work. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The wonders of ginger...

For those ginger lovers out there, I wanted to share some of it's amazing health benefits. If you aren't a ginger lover, you might become one after reading about the many medicinal properties it has. Now, when I mention ginger, I am talking about the fresh root, called a rhizome, not the powdered form.
When I open up my small pocket herbal dictionary and look under the ginger section, there are so many things on the list that ginger can treat or prevent. We always laugh in my house because whenever someone asks us what kind of remedy can be used for this or that, the answer is often "ginger"!
 Here are some of the many ways ginger can help. Its a long list, but by no means is it a complete one.
Analgesic- pain reliever
Anthelminitic- treats stomach problems and some stomach parasites
Antiemetic- treats nausea
Antispasmodic- treats muscle spasms
Antitussive- treats coughing
Carminative- treats stomach upset and flatulence
Circulatory stimulant
Diaphoretic- causes sweating (good for releasing toxins and aiding fevers)
Hypotensive- reduces blood pressure
Immune stimulant
Synergist-enhances the effectiveness of other herbs or medicines

Ginger is used across the world for treating a large range of viral infections and has antimicrobial actions as well (kills viruses, bacteria and micro-organisms.)

Lets put it this way, ginger can be used for almost anything!
It will treat respiratory viruses, calm nausea, treat colds and flu, reduce fever, reduce coughing, it will provide pain relief, help relieve anxiety and so much more. Plus, it tastes so good and you can find it anywhere!
There are different way to use ginger, depending on the condition you are trying to treat. You can juice a whole bunch and drink it with raw honey and lemon for a respiratory infection or you can boil it in water and drink as a tea to help calm and warm your stomach. You can grate it and eat some raw in your salad! I hope you all get out and try this wonder drug.
Have a great day everyone.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The weight gain weight loss roller coaster

Good Morning!
I want to write about something I have written about before, maybe more than once. Its a topic that so many people talk about, work hard to achieve and unfortunately, so many of us don't achieve the results we wanted. You guessed it, losing weight.
There are so many factors that involve proper weight loss. For some people, working out and eating right will do the trick, while many others can practically starve themselves, work out like crazy and still not lose a pound. Some of the more common complaints that I hear is "I am on a diet, but I'm not losing any weight." Or, "I eat pretty well but I can't lose any weight." The key here is WHAT are you eating? What kind of diet are you on? Are you afraid of fats and staying away from them because you are diligently counting calories? Well this might come as a shock: we need healthy fats to help us lose weight! I used to listen politely when people would tell me they'd never touch an egg or an avocado because they are too fattening. Now I speak my mind and let people know that healthy fat is good! We need it! Its not the egg yolk making you fat, its very likely the "energy bar" or low fat yogurt or granola that is making you fat, or it just might be something else you aren't even thinking of...
If we look deeply into ourselves we can find many hidden secrets that might be inhibiting weight loss.
When any problem arises in life, its best to look inside ourselves and see where we might be stuck. A relationship issue? Loneliness? Lack of spirituality? Childhood trauma? Anything can make us feel stuck in a negative place, and when this happens, it can cause our bodies to be physically stuck as well, and in one way this can mean extra pounds that are just stuck and won't budge. This requires some deep introspection to free ourselves of unwanted emotions. Try to figure out why you are stuck, why your body is holding on to those extra pounds. Luckily we all have our ways of releasing. For some its art, others music and dance, and some like to write. Whatever your talent is, use it! You will be amazed at how you can free yourself of unwanted thoughts and feelings using a creative outlet.

The next common cause of weight gain and the inability to lose weight comes from eating improperly, and finding the proper foods can be really difficult. Without getting into too much detail in this post (we will save it for another one), remember, eat as cleanly as you can. Avoid processed foods (foods that come in a box, package, etc), flour products, sugars and too much caffeine. Eat loads of fruits and vegetables, clean meats, fish and eggs and drink lots and lots of water instead of sugary or diet drinks. Avoid any label that says "low fat, fat free, sugar free" because these products have other unhealthy ingredients added to them that can contribute to weight gain and other health problems. Get adequate amounts of healthy fats and protein from avocados, eggs, healthy oils, etc. You can also help stimulate your liver which rids the body of toxins by adding lemon or lime to your water or making a juice with dandelion and any other fruit or vegetable you want. (Liver cleanse coming soon).

Next is sleep. I know many of us do not get adequate amounts of sleep every night. For whatever reason you might not be sleeping well, just keep in mind that when we don't sleep enough, our body needs to get extra energy from somewhere. So our adrenal glands send out a hormone called Cortisol which is a fat storage hormone that gives our body extra energy. Down the line, using up our stores of cortisol can lead to other problems such as adrenal fatigue syndrome. In short, lack of sleep can make you gain weight and not let you lose it!

There are two other important weight loss/gain factors. Those are the health of your thyroid and adrenal glands. When these are out of balance and not functioning as they should because of lack of sleep, improper nutrition, emotional trauma, etc, you will most likely have a hard time losing that weight. (Many forms of birth control also cause weight gain/loss issues.)

There are many more causes for weight gain and the inability to lose weight. The point here is, that it is not just about how often you exercise and what kind of low fat/diet foods you are eating. We need to think about our body as a whole, and how every aspect of our lives effects our body. Take one step at a time. Begin a slow, steady exercise program, find a time for self introspection and creativity, make one small healthy change in your diet, drink one cup of water instead of a diet coke. Eat a healthy fat, make a juice, get a good night's sleep!
Once you have built up to an all around healthier lifestyle, and if the weight still is not coming off, there are other places to look to see if something else is out of balance.
No, this is not a quick fix, "let me go on a crazy diet, lose tons of weight and then I'll look into becoming healthier" diet plan. This is a life style change, its a choice we all have to make on our own. It doesn't come easy, but with determination, confidence and self respect, it will come.
Happy choosing everyone!

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Good morning!
So here I have written up about some of the (toxic) ingredients in our most commonly used toothpastes. I used to be very skeptical about "toxic toothpaste" because I didn't think anyone was swallowing enough of the stuff to cause any harm. I have learned over the years that toxins can  easily absorb into our blood stream from things that come in contact with our skin and gums. So chemicals that are put into our mouth, from toothpaste lets say, even if they aren't swallowed, can be absorbed into our blood stream from our gums, and over time can cause toxins to build up in our bodies. The good news is that there are chemical free toothpastes, just beware, some of them claim to be "healthy" while still full of chemicals.
Before I get into the list, I want to briefly mention that saliva is really our natural toothpaste. It washes away bacteria and helps re-mineralize our teeth and protects our enamel by using calcium and phosphorous.(That is why its so vital for our teeth to eat a  balanced diet, so that we have appropriate amounts of minerals to help keep teeth strong and healthy.) Just some more food for thought. Its great to know that saliva actually does some really great things for us!

I took a regular tube of Colgate whitening toothpaste to look at what's inside, I'll explain a few of them.
Here we go...

Hydrated silica
PVM/MA copolymer
SLS (sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate
cellulose gum
sodium hydroxide
porpelyn glycol
sodium saccharin
titanium dioxide

Hydrate silica is formed from a chemical compound found in sand. It is used as a whitener and an abrasive, to clean the plaque off teeth. This is very harmful for the tooth because it scratches it's surface and prevents daily re-mineralization, and can eventually wear away the enamel. It is particularly harmful for those with tooth decay or receding gums. It is also used in paint as an anti-caking agent. Yum.

Glycerin is a sweetener which is generally extracted from vegetable oil by using toxic chemicals. It's job in toothpaste is to keep it from drying out. It also coats the teeth with a seal which blocks the tooth from saliva, which in turn keeps the teeth from re-mineralizing. Its similar to a heavy, sugary syrups which is not good for the teeth either.

Sorbitol and Saccharin are both artificial sweeteners which are very harmful to the human body. (There is a long list of reasons why they are so harmful, I will post an article for more info.)

PVM/MA is a synthetic plastic which helps keeps ingredients bound together. It can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Fun, ha?

SLS is a good one. It has been making headlines lately, and you have probably seen labels that say "sls free" on more and more cosmetic products. There is good reason for that. SLS is a foaming agent, its what makes our soaps all bubbly. Its also used as a de-greaser in cleaning agents. It is said to be toxic and when absorbed it can damage cells in the body. It is corrosive to the skin, it has been linked to cancer and organ toxicity. It is also an endocrine (hormone) disruptor and it actually helps other toxins absorb more easily into the body. It's used as a pesticide too! I'd say if you want to take it one step at a time, begin with buying products that are sls free. There are many options out there.

Propelyn glycol helps the toothpaste retain it's moisture so it doesn't dry out. like the glycerin. It is also used as antifreeze in break fluid and paints. It can be quickly absorbed into the body and can lead to organ abnormalities.

Although there are more ingredients on this list that I didn't explain in detail, I think we all get the point. Most of them are highly processed with harsh chemicals, or they are artificial to begin with. So they might leave your teeth and mouth smelling fresh and looking great, and in the long run, these commonly used toothpaste ingredients can cause more harm than that clean feeling mouth might be worth. If our toothpastes worked so well, as they claim, to keep our mouth's healthy and white, why is it that over 90% of American adults have tooth decay?!

Remember, knowledge is power if used in the right way. The journey to a healthier life style is just that, a journey! So don't feel overwhelmed by this list, there are many options for better, cleaner toothpastes. I'll keep you posted =). For now, happy clean teeth to all!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Empowering our children

People often ask me how I get my kids to eat kale, fresh herbs, to brush their teeth with home made coconut based toothpaste, etc...
The truth is, I don't get them to do any of it. They do it on their own. Let me explain.
My husband has a beautiful little garden in the front of our house. He grows many things like tomatoes, limes. moringa, different herbs, beets, radishes, carrots and much more. If you ask him about "his" garden he'll tell you that its really the kid's. They are very active participants in the whole process of growing our food, from the time the little seedlings are planted until the produce is ready to be cut and eaten. They water the plants, and check on them daily. They save their peels from fruits and vegetables to put into the compost so our soil is more potent. They make sure to cultivate the herbs gently and properly so the plants won't get damaged. And then, after seeing the fruits of their labor, literally, they are more than happy and willing to eat any and all of what is growing outside.
They munch on basil on their way to school and pick some moringa on their way to play. I don't think they'd be as excited if I told them "kids, go get your moringa and eat it!" They want to eat the beautiful foods in front of them because they took part in helping the food get there. This is so empowering for children.
The same goes for using the toothpaste and taking their supplements and anything else I try to incorporate. I teach them about what these things do for their bodies, and what each ingredient contributes to their health,  how it helps them grow, keep their teeth strong and healthy and then I let them decide for themselves. Most of the time they choose the toothpaste that doesn't taste great, they remind ME to give them their supplements and occasionally someone will ask if they could "do oil pulling" because their tooth hurts.
I have to say that it gives me great pleasure when they make the healthier choice. I love it. It even makes me laugh at times.
And I am grateful that my husband tells the kids that this beautiful garden is their's, and that Hashem guides them to use their knowledge and inner strength to make those better choices.
I feel like if we want our kids to be healthier in today's day and age, with all the horrendous "foods" they are constantly bombarded with, we need to teach them about healthy alternatives, and then gently guide and encourage them, and ask Hashem to help them choose wisely, even if it means standing out in a crowd of candy eaters. Eventually their friends might follow and that will instill even more confidence in a child. Yes, its hard to stand out in crowd, and kids don't want to be different. There is a fine line here which we as parents need to learn to balance. The point is    knowledge is power. Lets give our kids the knowledge so they have the power to make better, healthier choices.
Shabbat shalom to all!
Mishi =)