Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sound Familiar?

Shabbos is always tricky. To enjoy the food and indulge sounds really nice. But that can easily turn into over eating and feeling awful. Does this scenario sound familiar...?
We're around so much food throughout the day, and we can eat mindlessly and sometimes constantly. When the actual meals comes around we can easily fill up on yummy challah, mayonnaisey sugary dips and salad dressings, sweet pies with sugary crusts, etc. You take a few bites of fish and maybe some meat from the chulent, because by the time this food comes out, we're so "full" that we don't have any room for more than a few bites. The meal ends and we feel stuffed and bloated. And then, surprisingly, twenty minutes, thirty minutes or an hour later we're hungry. Totally outrageous, right?! You think to yourself "how can I possibly be hungry, I ate so much"?
Well, that is exactly why we are hungry! Filling up on carbs and sugars from challah and other foods fills us up temporarily but still leaves your stomach hungry inside. And unless you are super aware of what your body needs, when it  realizes its hungry, you will probably go for more of the carbs and sugar. And the process goes on and on. We fill up, feel bloated, realize we're hungry and then go for more. Break the cycle early! Fill up on proteins and not too heavily dressed salads. And then sit back and enjoy your challah and desserts. You're body will actually be full, feel full and know its full of good food. And then you won't have that much room for everything else. And of course, drink water and keep your body clear and flowing! This can really help keep you feeling good and normal on shabbos, instead of feeling like you just ate too much.  And as always,
Good luck, try it next week and see how you feel!

As an added bonus, try to use foods with less processed, pure ingredients and dips and dressings without sugar. Try an alternative mayonnaise without too many chemical additives and maybe try some spelt challah this week. Making small little changes over time can help set the tone for a lifestyle change and you fill feel much less bloated and more energetic once the chemicals and sugars are reduced from your diet.

1 comment:

  1. This post is so true! I can definitely relate with the non-stop eating, feeling full for 2 minutes, then feeling hungry and eating some more. It's never a good feeling. I actually started doing what you suggested about the water, and started drinking a lot more water on shabbos and it actually helps. I feel less hungry and I crave those carbs and sugars a lot less. Instead of coming away from a meal feeling stuffed, I feel just the right amount of full. :)
