Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ingredients, cont.

Hi Everyone,
So today I'll add two more very common, very over-used additives. There is a lot to say about both of them, but I will just give some detail. Here's a glimpse at MSG and "Natural flavors"!

"No MSG", "MSG Free", etc:
We have all heard so much about the chemical called MSG, or monosodium glutamate. We all know that its "not good for you" and many people actually get immediate reactions from eating foods with MSG, like headaches, nausea, etc. So recently many food companies have gone "MSG Free", or so they claim. Unfortunately, MSG hides behind dozens of different names that can appear on a list of ingredients, unassumingly, and without drawing any attention. Yeast extracts, any type of protein such as soy protein, whey protein, protein concentrate, and anything hydrolyzed are just a few of the many names that really mean MSG.

MSG is a food additive used to enhance the flavor of the food and literally makes your mouth water for more. That's why its so hard to just have one BBQ chip. It just doesn't work. The flavor is too good, too strong to just have one. MSG acts just like sugar once its inside your body. It makes your pancreas produce insulin which over time can tire out the pancreas disabling it from producing insulin and causing diabetes. MSG is a highly processed, chemicalized food additive that should be kept out of our bodies!

"Natural Flavor":
When you see the words natural flavor on a food product it makes you think natural and healthy! Contrary to common belief, natural flavor is really not very natural at all. It is a man made food additive, created from natural chemicals and gasses and produced in labs by people called flavorists. It is in most processed and fast foods and like MSG,  it makes us want more and more of the food we're eating. The reason it is called "natural" is because the flavor must be derived from at least a by product of anything natural. (For example, the essence of a food that contains some of the food's flavor, which would then be taken, chemicalized, processed and used as a food additive.)
Sounds really natural, ha?

Well I'll leave you with that for now. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at! Good luck with checking those labels!

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