Monday, August 1, 2011

What's really important?

When we think of living healthy lifestyles, what mostly comes to mind is healthy eating. No white flour or sugar, lots of fruits and veggies, etc.
And what most of us are forgetting is that healthy eating is only one small aspect of living a healthy life. The other side of it all lies in our lifestyle. Are our relationships thriving? How do we enjoy our career? How is the spiritual part of our lives? Stress can also be a big factor! If all of our these important, basic aspects of our lives are in balance, then we can live a healthy lifestyle!
Think of it this way. I have seen people (including myself at times) eat the healthiest of meals. Balanced, organic, healthy fats and grains. And at the same time they aren't letting that food take proper effect in their bodies. They inhale their food while searching online for shoes, talking on the phone and texting all at the same time. There is barely any chewing going on, which skips a major part of the digestion process, which can contribute to weight issues, and there is no enjoyment of the food, which can easily lead to wanting and craving more and more!
In addition, stress creates a hormone which gets stored as fat around the cells. So even if your eating a very healthy diet, make sure you as stress free as possible to avoid the extra fat cells and other horrible effects of stress on the body.
So...the next time you are about to sit down to a meal, get rid of all the electronics, take a few deep breaths and prepare yourself and your body for tasting, chewing (take time to actually chew your food) and digesting a really great, healthy and beneficial meal!

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