Friday, February 26, 2016

Empowering our children

People often ask me how I get my kids to eat kale, fresh herbs, to brush their teeth with home made coconut based toothpaste, etc...
The truth is, I don't get them to do any of it. They do it on their own. Let me explain.
My husband has a beautiful little garden in the front of our house. He grows many things like tomatoes, limes. moringa, different herbs, beets, radishes, carrots and much more. If you ask him about "his" garden he'll tell you that its really the kid's. They are very active participants in the whole process of growing our food, from the time the little seedlings are planted until the produce is ready to be cut and eaten. They water the plants, and check on them daily. They save their peels from fruits and vegetables to put into the compost so our soil is more potent. They make sure to cultivate the herbs gently and properly so the plants won't get damaged. And then, after seeing the fruits of their labor, literally, they are more than happy and willing to eat any and all of what is growing outside.
They munch on basil on their way to school and pick some moringa on their way to play. I don't think they'd be as excited if I told them "kids, go get your moringa and eat it!" They want to eat the beautiful foods in front of them because they took part in helping the food get there. This is so empowering for children.
The same goes for using the toothpaste and taking their supplements and anything else I try to incorporate. I teach them about what these things do for their bodies, and what each ingredient contributes to their health,  how it helps them grow, keep their teeth strong and healthy and then I let them decide for themselves. Most of the time they choose the toothpaste that doesn't taste great, they remind ME to give them their supplements and occasionally someone will ask if they could "do oil pulling" because their tooth hurts.
I have to say that it gives me great pleasure when they make the healthier choice. I love it. It even makes me laugh at times.
And I am grateful that my husband tells the kids that this beautiful garden is their's, and that Hashem guides them to use their knowledge and inner strength to make those better choices.
I feel like if we want our kids to be healthier in today's day and age, with all the horrendous "foods" they are constantly bombarded with, we need to teach them about healthy alternatives, and then gently guide and encourage them, and ask Hashem to help them choose wisely, even if it means standing out in a crowd of candy eaters. Eventually their friends might follow and that will instill even more confidence in a child. Yes, its hard to stand out in crowd, and kids don't want to be different. There is a fine line here which we as parents need to learn to balance. The point is    knowledge is power. Lets give our kids the knowledge so they have the power to make better, healthier choices.
Shabbat shalom to all!
Mishi =)