Thursday, September 8, 2011

Nourishing your kid's bodies and brains before they go off to school!

Hi everyone. I just sent my kids off to school on their first day. I'm sitting here with a cup of chamomile tea and thought I would make a list of a few healthy, beneficial breakfasts for our kids.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We are literally breaking our fast from the night before so its crucial to get nurturing, filling foods into our kid's stomachs (and brains) before they go off for a full day in school. Without proper nutrition in general, and in the morning specifically, it can be very difficult for a child to concentrate, be calm and think clearly, etc, which are essential tools for a good, productive school day.
Although a box of cereal boasts many health claims about low sugar, high fiber, whole grains, and good for you, please be very careful. Cereal is a highly processed food. And while there might be some fiber and whole grains, its so processed that you are not really benefiting from the actual cereal. The kids are just consuming empty calories, sugar and preservatives without any nutritional benefit. So even though a bowl of cereal and milk is quick and easy for a hectic morning, try and skip it and make breakfast the meal of champions for your kids! Here are some ideas that we do, I know I have mentioned some, if not all of them before in other posts. Its worth repeating!
My kids usually eat either a pastured egg "pancake", which is basically eggs with a sprinkle of flour with some raw honey sprinkled on top, and always topped off with some fruit. Or scrambled eggs and fruit. Some days we have smoothies made with  banana, berries, almond powder or butter, coconut oil, flax or chia seeds, a handful of spinach or kale and any other "goodies" they want that day.
For the kids who don't love eggs, they might have just a few bites and then eat half an avocado. Amazing brain food!

1. An egg mixed with some lightly soaked and rinsed whole oats (whole rolled oats, not processed oats from the packets), put in a pan and bake like a pancake. It comes out like a simple oatmeal pancake. You can season it however you wish. Try to  avoid putting any sweetener in the batter, rather sprinkle a little on top. Add in any fruit you'd like, keep in mind berries which are  super good for your brain! Or just scramble up an egg with some toast and fruit.

3. Sprouted grain toast (try Ezekiel bread because the grains are sprouted which makes the food more digestible and there is less processing involved, or Manna Bread which is another sprouted bread, and so delicious,) with some natural peanut or almond butter (not skippy with added sugar, just peanuts and natural oil.) Slice a layer of bananas over the peanut butter and sprinkle with some seeds and cinnamon or sliced almonds. Add a cup of blueberries on the side.

4. If your kids like Kasha (buckwheat), you can make a batch the night before and heat it up the next day with any type of flavoring you enjoy. Try adding an avocado on the side. Great source of fat, fiber and protein!

5. Smoothies! Just put in some frozen berries, a banana or two, some greens (spinach or arugula leaves), almond powder, coconut oil and try to use water/coconut water instead of juice, milk/soy/almond milks from the boxes. If you do use any of these, try to minimize the amount you put in. And guess what? You won't even need to add sugar, the fruits are sweet enough. Get your children used to not needing such sweet food. You can put up a piece of whole grain toast on the side too. You can even add some avocado into the smoothie for picky eaters who won't know its in there, or you can serve it on the side.

Always top off a good, hearty breakfast with a big cup of water instead of giving them juice.
These breakfasts are good for adults as well...try some out and see how it goes. Again, there is nothing better than having a filling, healthy breakfast to ensure a better, more successful day in school.

Yes, your kids might protest at first. We all love cereal and milk. But slowly, they will grow accustomed to eating a balanced, stabilizing breakfast that will actually serve them well throughout the day.